Date: Feb 1

Time: 2 PM - 4 PM

Location: Kent State Stark Conference Center View Directions

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The Love, Andrew Foundation presents​
An Afternoon of Spelling with Andrew & Jakob

We need parents, educators, therapists, communication partners, and allies.

Jakob and his best friend Andrew walk in the everyday world and are consistently misunderstood and underestimated. ​

We are having an event. These Two Handsome Guys will sit on a stage. They will tell you their stories.  How they spent 22 years unable to reliably communicate. What life was like for them living inside a body that didn’t cooperate with what their minds wanted.  How after a lot of hard work and help from experienced communication partners, they became able to share all their thoughts.  How remarkably their lives have changed in one short year after having their communication breakthroughs.  And how this process of spelled communication works. Where to learn. How you become involved.

​This event is for everyone.  Parents, educators, therapists, those with autism and apraxia, and everybody else.  We need people in the general population to understand those like them. To see them. To accept them. To treat them like competent, capable children and adults.  To help spread the word.  About this amazing way to free voices that are trapped inside bodies that just don’t work quite right.

We need allies.  And we need people who want to learn how to do this. We need more communication partners. Anyone can learn. You can free a voice.

So no matter what part of this intrigues you, you are needed and welcomed.

​It’s going to be eye-opening, heartwarming, and mind-blowing.

We encourage educators, therapists and parents to attend

​Please share with everyone you know who could benefit.

​Light refreshments will be served.

​​We welcome all unique behaviors.  Guests with autism and apraxia attend for free.