young man in graduation cap and gown

Bridging the Gap From Childhood to Adulthood

Stark DD’S goal is to bridge the gap between life phases and provide you with all the necessary assistance and resources to help you transition smoothly.

Our Service & Support Administrators (SSAs) play a key role in transition planning. They work closely with your school to help you prepare for life after graduation. 

Whether it's connecting you to external agencies like Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), mental health services, or government assistance programs such as Medicaid and Social Security, our SSAs are here to guide you.

Request a Transition Service & Support Administrator

To request a Transition SSA, simply call the Stark County Board of Developmental Disabilities (SCBDD) Intake at 330-479-3582. We are here to support you on your journey to adulthood. 

Supplemental Social Security Info

Youth and Transition SSAs: How We Support You

Preparing for Transition In Your High School Years

During the process of transitioning from age 15 to graduation, our Transition SSAs offer the following services to help you achieve your goals.


  • Attend IEP and ETR meetings to ensure that your transition plan is aligned with your needs.
  • Assist you in building a team that can help you meet your goals.
  • Help you evaluate your strengths and weaknesses in transition areas.
  • Assist you in understanding postsecondary services.
  • Facilitate discussions about college, vocational training, employment, and community living.
  • Act as a resource and partner to you throughout the transition process from high school to adulthood.
  • Help families prepare for life after graduation by focusing on employment, benefits, and guardianship as needed.

Additional Family Support Services

In addition to transition planning, we provide essential Family Support Services (FSS) funding. This funding is designed to assist families in supporting their loved ones at home during this transitional period. 

If you have any questions or need more details, feel free to reach out to us at